Awesome Nakuru Travel Guide[2020]

In this blog I will take you through the best Nakuru travel guide. One of the favourite places in Kenya is Nakuru, Its great mixture of culture and history with the best food in Kenya thrown in too!
Nakuru is the third largest town in Kenya and the headquarters of Nakuru county.

Its located in northwest of Nairobi, in the great Rift Valley.
Nakuru was established by the British as part of the White highlands during the colonial era and it has continued growing into a cosmopolitan city. It received township status in 1904 and became a municipality in 1952.
The interesting history of Nakuru can perhaps be traced to the prehistoric period due to the archaeological discoveries located about 8 km from the Central Business District at the Hyrax Hill reserve.
Nakuru has got many attractions from lake Nakuru national park, which is home to giraffes, rhinosn leorpards and lions.

If you are someone who likes a mix of the hustle and bustle of a city along with natural attractions, you have it all here!
Nakuru Attractions
Nakuru has some great places to visit from parks to craters and lakes and more. Read about them below.

Nakuru Travel Guide

Nakuru has some great places to visit from parks to craters and lakes and more. Read about them below.

Nakuru Attractions

You can also read our full guide to Mombasa here or find our guide to where to stay in Mombasa here.